Welcome to our exclusive robotic milking club

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We are passionate about getting the most out of your automated milking system (AMS) and are proud to work with some of the best operators in the UK.
Whatever stage you are at; whether you are thinking about making a change to robotic milking or have a long-established unit, we would be delighted
to work with you and get the most out of your investment.

With so many robotic milking farmers choosing to work with our ForFarmers team, we are pleased to announce the launch of our Robotic Milking Club.
Whilst the majority of the dairy enterprise is similar, we understand the specific needs and challenges of robotic milking systems and are here to
help you achieve your goals.

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Technical advice

Do you need advice?

From increasing milk yields, to finding a bottleneck or helping you maximise your forage output, our team of specialists are here to help you and your business.