Get nutrition right in pre-breeders

Pre-breeder nutrition - ForFarmers UK

As the colder months approach, looking after overwintering pre-breeding birds becomes a primary focus for many gamekeepers and farmers, with emphasis on keeping birds ‘fit not fat’ to avoid ill health and reproductive issues such as prolapse.

A comprehensive approach combining balanced nutrition and effective environmental management ensures birds enter the breeding season in peak condition.

At Marsdens Feeds, we understand the unique challenges faced during overwintering, and our scientifically formulated feed solutions are designed to support bird health, energy levels, and reproductive potential.

Jamie Horner, sales manager at Marsdens Feeds says: “During this time, birds must maintain good body condition, sufficient energy reserves, and robust immune systems. In winter months, cold stress can weaken immune responses, making birds more susceptible to infections.

“Birds facing inadequate nutrition or harsh conditions may experience reduced fertility, lower egg production, and increased susceptibility to disease. Ensuring the birds have balanced nutrition directly influences their reproductive success once the breeding season starts.”

Birds expend more energy to maintain body heat during colder months. A feed rich in energy-dense ingredients, such as grains and fats, helps sustain them.

Jamie says: “High-quality protein supports muscle maintenance and repair. This is critical as birds may become more sedentary during winter and need to preserve muscle mass for future breeding. While vitamins like A, D, and E, along with minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and selenium, play a vital role in bone strength, egg production, and overall health.

“Marsdens Conditioner Pellet is to be fed to mature breeding candidates from around 20 weeks of age, typically fed ad-lib from late September through to late February and used as the sole diet for birds being prepared for breeding. Available as a 3.5mm pellet, it is advised it is supplemented with a Hold’em mix to keep birds where you want them.”

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