It’s time to think about reseeding

Increasing milk production from forage is key to ensuring the long term sustainability of dairy businesses. Improving both the quality and productivity of grass leys via regular reseeding or overseeding is one way to help achieve this.

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Grass leys are most productive in their early years. Productivity and quality fall gradually, reducing by 50% in five years. Ideally, producers should reseed 20% of their leys each year to help compensate for this deterioration in performance.

While reseeding or overseeding is a cost, this investment will easily be paid back through improved forage yields and quality.

Now is a perfect time to assess the current condition of grass leys and identify those that need to be improved.

Reviewing all leys is important as the oldest leys may not be the least productive. It’s also important to examine bare patches of ground and grass species within a ley. Remember, weed grasses not only reduce a ley’s yield, but also lower overall quality of forage and fail to utilise fertiliser applications efficiently.

When selecting grass seed, it’s important to use trusted varieties from the current recommended varieties lists. The recommended lists allow selection for yield and quality, as well as field and feed performance.

Seed mixture choice is also a key consideration. For example, purchasing a dual-purpose mix when the main requirement is grass for cutting will reduce yield potential. Using a mix specifically designed for grazing will ensure that there is a good ‘bottom’ in the ley.

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