The route to 24 months

Achieving the target of first calving at 24-months requires clear focus and attention to detail on the route to 24 months, and advice on how to achieve it.

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1. Transition/Dry period

The journey starts with care of the pregnant cow and careful management of the transition period to support unborn calf.

  • Close up ration must enhance colostrum quality and quantity.
  • Key areas to focus on are protein (14%) and energy (115mj/d).

2. Calving

When it comes to calving, meticulous attention to protocol and management is vital.

Remember 4QC:

  • Colostrum must be good Quality
  • Given Quickly in adequate Quantities
  • Quietly
  • And Cleanly

Target 250 grams of immunoglobulin G (IgG) within the first 6 hours of life to ensure robust immunity and health.

Newly calved cow cropped 2

3. Milk feeding (0-8 weeks)

Maintain consistency in hygiene, housing, and nutrition.

4. Weaning (8-12 weeks)

Weaning: Set clear intake targets. Calves should be consuming 2kg of concentrate per day, have doubled their birth weight, and be actively cudding before weaning.

Calves feeding on vitamilk cropped

5. Post Weaning (3-6 months)

After weaning, attention to the nutritional needs of the calves is crucial:

  • Provide specific ration to fulfil the nutritional requirements for a calf to grow at target DLWG.
  • Utilise the forages available on the farm to meet these needs.

6. Pre-Bulling (9 months)

Appropriate preparation for bulling ensures heifers are in optimal condition.

  • Aim for 40% of mature body weight (MBW) at 9 months of age.
Clive Redshaw heifers feed barrier cropped 1

7. Bulling (13-15 months)

To achieve the 24-month calving target, bulling must be managed precisely.

  • Heifers should reach 55% of their MBW at bulling, typically at 13-15 months.

8. Pregnancy (22 months)

Throughout pregnancy, monitoring and managing the heifers’ body condition is crucial.

  • Regularly monitor the Body Condition Score (BCS) of heifers.
  • Adjust ration intakes accordingly.
Bulling heifers at grass

9. Heifer transition (23 months)

  • Help heifers prepare well for their first lactation.
  • Heifers need to enter the herd with maximum performance and in the best health.

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