Why Chickens Moult and What to Expect

Moulting is a natural, annual process for chickens, where they shed old feathers to make way for new growth. While moulting can look a little alarming to the untrained eye, it is essential for keeping their feathers in top condition. Understanding what to expect during moulting will help you care for your flock during this time.

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Why Do Chickens Moult?

Chickens typically moult once a year, usually in late summer or autumn as new feathers will offer better insulation during the cold winter months. Moulting is normally triggered by changes in daylight hours and can last anywhere from eight to 16 weeks, depending on the bird's age and breed. Older chickens tend to moult more slowly than younger ones.

Moulting allows the birds to refresh their feathers, which are vital for regulating body temperature and protecting them from the elements. Worn-out feathers are less effective at these tasks, so moulting is an essential reset for the flock.

What to Expect During Moulting

When chickens moult, they divert their energy from egg production to feather regrowth. This means you’ll likely see a drop in egg laying, or it may stop altogether for a few weeks. Don’t worry—this is normal and temporary. Their bodies are prioritising feather production, which is highly protein intensive.

During moulting, chickens may look scruffy or patchy as their feathers fall out in stages. You might also notice that they become more reserved and less active, as moulting can be uncomfortable and stressful for the birds. Provide plenty of space and comfortable, clean bedding to help ease the process and keep stress to a minimum.

Supporting Your Chickens During Moulting

Since feather regrowth requires a lot of protein, offering your chickens a high-protein feed during this time is essential. Their appetites may decrease during moulting so focus on offering quality food over quantity. Providing plenty of clean water and ensuring they have access to shade and shelter will also help reduce stress.

Moulting is a natural part of a chicken's life cycle. With proper care, including a protein boost and a stress-free environment, your flock will emerge from moulting healthier, with strong new feathers, ready to face the winter months.

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